Step 1
Check you are still alive? If ‘Yes’ – continue to step 2
Step 2
Is God still supplying your oxygen? Take a deep breath. If ‘Yes’ – go on to step 3. If ‘No’ – you have only minutes to set your affairs in order, so quickly get to it.
Step 3
Look out the window. Is God still in control of gravity and governing all the laws of science and nature? If ‘Yes’ – continue to step 4. If ‘No’ – pinch yourself as you may still be dreaming. Wake up and start again from Step 1
Step 4
No matter what has gone wrong or how you have failed in the past, if you have completed Step 1, God can make all things right. Proceed straight to Step 5
Step 5
God still has a plan and purpose for your life. Advance to Step 6
Step 6
Choose whose plan and purpose you wish to follow. If you choose to follow your own plans, go to Step 7. If you choose to follow God’s plan, advance to Step 8
Step 7
Go back to sleep. What’s the point of getting up; you’ll only be a test for yourself and others. Anything you gain today will eventually be lost. When you wake up, start from Step 1 again.