Ten Reasons to Consider Christianity

Reason 10: To receive heavenly citizenship
Today, many oppressed people risk their lives, braving open seas or paying a fortune to flee their tyrannical county of birth. They will risk everything for a chance of becoming citizens in another nation rich with opportunity, freedom and prosperity.
The greatest nation of all time is the Kingdom of Heaven - sadly, none of us are born citizens. Mankind, through bad choice (sin), sought independence from God and is now imprisoned in the tyranny of a corrupt and fallen world. Because of those choices, there is now a barrier (called judgement) between mankind and God. This barrier separates us from ever being citizens in the Heavenly Kingdom.
We can’t do anything ourselves to gain citizenship – we can’t bribe a church or do any number of good deeds to become an acceptable candidate. The truth is that only God can pay the necessary price on our behalf - and the astounding news is the price for our citizenship has been completely paid. God so loved the world that He gave His uniquely born Son (Jesus Christ) that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Through the willing sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, a way was made through the barrier. Heaven awaits any who accept Christ’s gift (sacrifice) on their behalf.
God never intended this corrupt planet to be our eternal home. He desires all to be citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom and gain the magnificent eternal privileges and prosperity that it offers. Right now the border is open, the walls are knocked down and all we need do is accept Jesus Christ’s gift to become citizens of the most splendid Kingdom ever to exist. The choice is ours. If you haven’t crossed the border (by believing in Christ) - do it now. Citizenship will not be offered after life on Earth – do not miss the greatest opportunity of eternity. (Romans 5:8. Ephesians 2:8 -9)
For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation. Ephesians 2:14
Thank you to Ian and Sue Coate for post and illustrations