Ten Reasons to Consider Christianity

Reason 9: To avoid the impending disaster
In times of impending natural disaster, there are those who choose to stay in their homes despite all the warnings to leave. Later, when we hear they have died, we naturally grieve at their unnecessary demise, at the same time realising they took a chance as a matter of choice.
Mankind was created to enjoy a perfect relationship with God. We were also created with free-will. Through bad decisions, sin entered the world and our lives. Consequently, a disaster called Judgement is heading our way. God desires none to perish. He came as a man (Jesus Christ), and paid the complete penalty for our sin on the cross so any person wishing to be saved from judgement can be. However, due to the unchangeable law of free-will, God can only save those who freely accept His gift of salvation. He who believes in the Son (Jesus Christ) has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. John 3:36.
God has implored us many times in the Bible, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved… Acts 16:31’. It is now a matter of choice. For those who choose to reject God’s offer of eternal salvation, or choose to make no choice at all (after the age of accountability), God must ultimately respect their decision - and leave them to their own devices in a place set aside, where His provision (which has long been taken for granted) will be eternally absent.
We must understand that God is the One upholding all the universal laws of order and science. He is the source of light and comfort. Those who reject God also reject His provision which will ultimately leave them in a chaotic vacuum that, for lack of a better word, is called, ‘Hell’.
God loves us and desires no one to be separated from Him. He is reaching out to rescue us through the saving work of His Son. It is up to us if we take His hand by accepting Christ’s gift of salvation. Romans 5:8 states, “But God demonstrates His love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”