Salvation is a profound concept that encompasses grace, mercy, and deliverance from the condemned world. While belief in Jesus is the foundation of eternal life, there is more to be attained if one seeks a deeper connection with God.
The Meaning of Salvation:
Contrary to popular belief, salvation is not merely about escaping hell. Instead, it represents a deliverance from the condemned state of the world caused by Adam's sin. It is a separation from the world and everything within it, allowing individuals to become spiritually alive in Christ.
Hell is often viewed as opposite of eternal life. The Bible doesn’t say salvation is an opposite. Salvation is a deliverance. A deliverance from what? It is a deliverance from a condemned world resulting from one man’s—Adam’s sin.
The Incompatibility of the World and God:
The world and God are incompatible due to their opposing natures. The world, viewed as unholy, crucified Jesus and stands as God's enemy. Therefore, loving the world contradicts loving God, as mentioned in John 2:15. The world is condemned in God's eyes, as emphasized in John 3:18.
The Condition of Mankind:
As descendants of Adam, all individuals are born into a state of sin and spiritual death. When you are saved, your sprit is alive and your body is dead. This is contrary to an unbeliever whose spirit is dead and their body is alive. This condition is not a reflection of one's character or attributes but rather a consequence of mankind's fallen nature. God, being holy, despises this world and its ungodliness.
The Role of Faith:
Faith in Jesus is the starting point for salvation. By believing in Jesus and the work He accomplished on the cross, our sins are forgiven, and eternal life is granted. However, it is important to note that belief alone does not guarantee the indwelling of the Holy Spirit or complete salvation.
The Necessity of Baptism:
To receive the Holy Spirit and be fully saved, baptism is a crucial step. The scripture in Mark 16:16 states, "He who believes AND is baptized shall be saved." Baptism symbolizes leaving the world behind, burying the old self, and emerging as a new creation belonging to Christ. It publicly declares one's departure from the world and signifies a transformative spiritual rebirth.
The Significance of Baptism:
Baptism is an outward demonstration of an inner transformation. By going through the waters of baptism, one testifies to the world that they have died to their old ways and now live for Christ. It is an act of obedience and a visible proclamation of one's faith, separating them from the world and aligning them with Christ.
The Effects of Salvation:
When a person is saved, they become united with Christ, and He dwells within them. Their spirit comes alive while their body is considered dead to the world. In contrast, an unbeliever's spirit remains dead, and their body remains attached to the world. Salvation sets individuals free from the bondage of sin and allows them to experience true life in Christ.
Once saved: Always saved?
Salvation is a profound experience that goes beyond mere belief in Jesus. It involves a genuine desire to separate from the condemned world and a wholehearted commitment to belong to Christ alone. Through belief in Jesus and the act of baptism, individuals embark on a transformative journey that results in unity with Christ, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and freedom from the bondage of sin. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why, once saved, a person cannot continue in sin and cannot lose their salvation.
The Power of Salvation:
When a person is saved, they enter into a profound union with Christ. Through this union, Christ dwells within them, and their spirit is brought to life. The transformation is such that their old self, attached to the ways of the world, is considered dead. As a result, believers are empowered to live in alignment with Christ's teachings and experience the abundant life He offers.
Freedom from the Bondage of Sin:
Salvation liberates individuals from the bondage of sin. Through faith in Jesus, their sins are forgiven, and they are set free from the guilt and consequences of their past transgressions. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit empowers believers to resist temptation and live a life that is pleasing to God. While believers may still face struggles and temptations, they have the ability to overcome sin through the transformative power of salvation.
The Assurance of Eternal Security:
Once a person is genuinely saved, they receive the assurance of eternal security. This means that their salvation is secure and cannot be lost. This assurance is based on the promises of God, who is faithful and true to His word. In John 10:28, Jesus states, "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand." This promise assures believers that nothing can separate them from the love of God and the salvation they have received.
The Nature of Salvation:
Salvation is not based on our own merits or works but on the grace of God. It is a gift freely given to those who believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Our salvation is not dependent on our ability to live a perfect, sinless life but on the finished work of Jesus on the cross. It is by faith in Him that we are saved and reconciled with God.
The Transformational Journey:
Salvation marks the beginning of a transformative journey. As believers grow in their relationship with Christ, they are continually being sanctified and molded into His image. This journey involves a lifelong process of learning, repentance, and spiritual growth. While believers may stumble and fall, God's grace and forgiveness are ever-present, restoring and renewing them.
Salvation is a life-altering experience that goes beyond belief in Jesus. It brings freedom from the bondage of sin and offers the assurance of eternal security. Once saved, believers are empowered to live a life that is pleasing to God, with the Holy Spirit guiding and transforming them. Salvation is a transformative journey, marked by growth and continual renewal. As we embrace the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus and follow the path of baptism, we can experience the abundant life and eternal security that God intends for His children.
-Ronald A Fahrenholz II www.anchoredingod.org
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